Lead Managers

Acquisition Teams

Sales Managers

You Don’t Need More Leads…

You Need More Conversion

We help you close more deals via the leads you already have without spending more on Marketing.

Which Team Needs The Most Support?







Developing Your Sales Team

Selling with Confidence

Want better results? DEVELOP YOUR PEOPLE.

Over the years we’ve watched far too many talented, intelligent, hard-working REI entrepreneurs suffer with frustration and devastating burnout because their teams were underperforming.

What if you could hire someone, keep them engaged, and give them the exact tools, training, and confidence they need to hit and surpass their targets consistently? What if you didn’t have to shoulder the responsibility of teaching and training every employee yourself?

REI Sales Tools Coaches help CEOs and Sales Managers transform low-performing, emotionally chaotic teams into confident, self-reliant powerhouses who consistently bring you new business.

Our Amazing Clients

We specialize in helping REI sales teams OPTIMIZE and SMASH THROUGH THEIR METRICS

with our proprietary Sales Action and Confidence System.

Maximizing Mindsets

The Golden Hammers

Nice to meet you! We’re Jennie and Annie and we’re the REI Sales Tools Coaches.

We help REI Sales teams take ownership of their leaderboards, metrics, and processes so they can develop leaders who take extreme ownership, become high-value problem solvers that will pay off in your business for years.

Jennie Hudspeth

Jennie rapidly advanced from Lead Manager to Sales Director in just four months. She built a high-functioning, highly motivated lead management call center and established an elite acquisition division, training over 200 top-tier sales representatives. Jennie directly managed an acquisition team of 35, 4X the revenue for a leading wholesaling company within a year. Through building authentic relationships, emphasizing process, and equipping her team with the necessary tools, she successfully closed over 1,000 transactions in a 12-month period.

Annie Yatch

Annie quickly rose from a Consultant for the Defense Intelligence Agency to one of America's top Executive and Team Leadership Coaches. She transformed three businesses across different industries from $0 to $175k in monthly revenue. Annie has worked with companies ranging from $1M to $2B to dial in their leadership teams, their executive teams, and the performance of their managers, saving them from costly mistakes, boosting revenue, and, most importantly, changing team behaviors to achieve better daily results.

What Raving Fans Are Sharing

See for yourself how REI Sales Tools clients are harnessing

PEOPLE POWER to get maximum results.

Top Talent Exodus

What is Turnover Costing You?

How are you going to scale and grow your business when you’re constantly fighting a revolving door of salespeople?

Revolving Door Stress?

Rewire your Environment.

The time, money, and emotional energy you’re spending watching sales people get frustrated, lose their steam, and quit isn’t only hurting you, it’s also causing major service disruptions for your clients and business leads.

How do you want to spend your time, energy and money? Focusing your limited resources on a revolving door of sales people, micromanaging performance metrics, and shouldering the burden of the business alone?

We invite you to consider another option based on this one core thought:

What if the greatest source of power in your company is not your cashflow, but is instead your people?

With the REI Sales Tools for each division within your company, we will help rewire your culture, create an environment where you and your people can THRIVE, and where you can build your team with confidence.

When you understand your people’s natural drive and motivation, you clearly define their roles, and you establish internal responsibility systems, supporting your people can be EASY and
success is inevitable.

Making a Difference for Our Clients

"You've given me confidence in the approach. Not just in sales, but in communication overall. I'm chasing bigger and bigger goals thanks to you."

- Kasey M.

"I just wanted to let you know that I applied what I learned from you in our Implementation Call this week and just contracted my first novation agreement with a seller. So thank you!"

-Dustin H.

" I think it's one thing to tie your actions to your own dream and it's another to tie your actions to the dreams of your team. I learned this from REI Sales Tools."

- Colton F.

Upgrade Your Team

The REI Sales Tools Coaches train and optimize your Sales Teams to build natural leaders who then help you run your ship and get you out the weeds so you can FINALLY dedicate the time you need to being a true visionary.

This incredible offer includes monthly leadership coaching calls, weekly small group sales training, weekly implementation calls, and access to our patented suite of sales and leadership tools which will allow you to access team growth you never thought was possible.

Want results? Get honest. Which one of your teams do you need the most support with right now?





Owner in Sales Manager Seat

Develop your lead management team by defining their role, establishing their metrics, and giving them the tools to effectively manage the leads in your CRM. Program includes:

○ Action and Confidence System

○ Sales Process Roadmap

○ Purpose Driven Talk Tracks

○ Optimized Objection Handling

6 Month Training Program + Access to Video Training Library

Develop your acquisition team by up-leveling their leadership, increasing their ownership of daily metrics, and cultivating their environment to focus on consistent earnings and more daily satisfaction. Program includes:

○ Sales Process Order of Operations

○ Choice and Task Management Techniques

○ Purpose Driven Talk Tracks

○ Optimized Objection Handling

6 Month Training Program + Access to Video Training Library

Your leadership dictates the performance and revenue producing power of your team. Develop your leadership and management capacity to stop shouldering the burden alone. Program includes:

○ Accountability and Delegation Tools

○ Intentional Meeting Cadences

○ Performance Stoplight Reports

○ Core Value Evaluations

○ Hiring and Onboarding Systems

○ Process Management

○ CRM Optimizations

○ SOP Creation and Implementation

Upgrade Your Team

The REI Sales Tools Coaches train and optimize your Sales Teams to build natural leaders who then help you run your ship and get you out the weeds so you can FINALLY dedicate the time you need to being a true visionary.

This incredible offer includes monthly leadership coaching calls, weekly small group sales training, weekly implementation calls, and access to our patented suite of sales and leadership tools which will allow you to access team growth you never thought was possible.

Want results? Get honest. Which one of your teams do you need the most support with right now?



Develop your lead management team by defining their role, establishing their metrics, and giving them the tools to effectively manage the leads in your CRM. Program includes:

○ Action and Confidence System

○ Sales Process Roadmap

○ Purpose Driven Talk Tracks

○ Optimized Objection Handling

6 Month Training Program + Access to Video Training Library



Develop your acquisition team by up-leveling their leadership, increasing their ownership of daily metrics, and cultivating their environment to focus on consistent earnings and more daily satisfaction. Program includes:

○ Sales Process Order of Operations

○ Choice and Task Management Techniques

○ Purpose Driven Talk Tracks

○ Optimized Objection Handling

6 Month Training Program + Access to Video Training Library

Owner in Sales Manager Seat

Your leadership dictates the performance and revenue producing power of your team. Develop your leadership and management capacity to stop shouldering the burden alone. Program includes:

○ Accountability and Delegation Tools

○ Intentional Meeting Cadences

○ Performance Stoplight Reports

○ Core Value Evaluations

○ Hiring and Onboarding Systems

○ Process Management

○ CRM Optimizations

○ SOP Creation and Implementation

REI Sales Toolkit - Coaching Assessment

30 Day Team Member Review

Check out our free REI Sales Team 30 Day Team Member Review, which will help your team determine where to put their energy for maximum results.

REI Sales Tools with the Golden Hammers

How can we help you develop your team?

Let's Partner Together to Make Growth & Scaling EASIER!

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